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Ask a Question

1.Have a question? Get an answer for it. If there is a specific doubt in your mind an astrological advice will certainly help you in making the right decision.

Ask 1 question Rs 500 (India) – USD 10 (Outside India) Make Payment

Ask 2 question Rs 1000 (India) – USD 20 (Outside India)Make Payment

Ask 3 question Rs 1500 (India) -USD 30 (Outside India) Make Payment

2. Careers:
Want to know about your career progress? Your earning potential? When is the next change expected? Our career report is the answer to all your queries.

Price – 1500 Rs (India) – USD 30 (Outside India) Make Payment

3. Love and marriage :-
The hand analysis is especially useful for relationships as it can offer someone insights into their partner, or any relationship about how that person receives love and how they give love

What do the palm say about your Marriage/Love? When will it happen? How will it go? Do you have a love marriage or an arranged marriage ?

Price – Rs 1500 (India) – USD 30 (Outside India) Make Payment

4. Detail Analysis:
The report will provide you insights into all the facets of your life, including, health, finances, family, career, romance and marriage. Having analyzed your palm exhaustively on various parameters, remedies will also be suggested to you, thereby helping you leap forward to an overall secure future in all respects.

Price – Rs 2500 (India) – USD 20 (Outside India) Make Payment

Method of Taking Palm Image
Points to be kept in view while taking hand print or Image

Send handprint or image/impression of both the hands. The print or image should be complete hand from wrist to fingertips and from thumb to little finger in width.While taking image or the print keep all the four fingers closed including the thumb as shown in the diagram.

In case you see that the lines in the image taken by a digital camera or Electrostat machine or scanner are not clear, you may obtain the print by lipstick method.


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Chitranjan Sain
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